Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Got Peed On

We are potty training our daughter, and nothing is working. We’ve tried pull-ups. We’ve tried panties. We’ve tried shame. Nothing.

The other day she was wearing “big girl panties” for the first time. The theory here was that if she “went” she would feel it instantly, not like the feeling, and then learn to use the potty. I thought this sounded like a great idea, until Meghan left to go exercise and I was home alone with Katie. This is when I had the brilliant idea to Skype with my mother, an event that then places my potty-challenged daughter on my lap.

Are you following me?

Can you see what is about to happen coming a mile away?

Are you wondering why I couldn’t?

Yes friends, it was halfway through that conversation that my daughter peed on me. Through her panties, through her shorts, onto me. Needless to say, that ended our time with grandma and both Katie and Daddy had to change. I should never have put my daughter on my lap. While this incident is not entirely my fault, I had a part to play. I made a series of decisions that allowed something someone else did to affect me.

In life sometimes we put ourselves in situations where it seems like we’re just begging for someone to hurt us. We make a foolish choice, and then wonder why something someone else did had such a negative impact on us. Often we place all the blame on the other person and accept none for ourselves. We can choose to distance ourselves from people that constantly do things to us, or we can change the way we interact, or stand against peer pressure. People make choices, and we can’t change what they do, but we can change ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you'd actually taken a picture of what happened to you. Haha. :-)
