Tuesday, March 6, 2012

There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

For many of my friends, the name of Robert Sherman doesn’t mean anything to you, but he passed away yesterday at the age of 86 and his legacy means something to me. He was a part of the Disney songwriting team known as the Sherman Brothers, and he and his brother Richard wrote many of the iconic Disney classics. From “Small World” to “Mary Poppins” these two created some of the greatest Disney songs of all time. If you would like to experience some of his work, this website has put several videos together: http://progresscityusa.com/2012/03/06/robert-sherman-1925-2012/

Every night, as we are putting our daughter to bed, we sing our favorite Sherman brothers song, “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow.” This song talks about the power of progress, how our dreams can come true if we have the work ethic to make them so. And we like it before bed as a reminder that no matter how today was, there’s always a great big beautiful tomorrow shining at the end of every day.

As a Christian I know that death is not the end, there is something even greater and far more beautiful awaiting me. As I mourn the passing of a great star in the Disney universe, it reminds me that there are so many people who need to place their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. If you have yet to make that commitment, there is no time like the present because we never know how much time we have. If you have given your heart to Jesus, understand that salvation is only the beginning of a life walking with Him and sharing His love with others. God has given us the mission of telling everyone who lives on this “small world” about how to go to heaven when they leave it behind.

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