Monday, April 30, 2012

Disney Character Showdown, Round 2

It’s been fun to see lots of people coming together and voting on this silly thing. Some have even included explanations to justify their voting, which was cool. I think it’s funny that when I did this by myself, the two that made it to the finals are both out; I guess that shows that everyone is different. There were some upsets in my opinion here, which is always exciting.

That being said, it’s time for round two. Please only vote for the current match-ups, which are:

Mickey vs. Snow White

Genie vs. Belle

Buzz Lightyear vs. Mike Wazowski

Captain Hook vs. Maleficent

I will update the blog again on Thursday with the semi-finals, so you have until then to make up your mind.

Also, if you didn’t vote on round one, it’s not too late. Go ahead and vote for round two, the more the merrier.