Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Results are In!

Over several weeks of blogging, voting, and debating, we have come to a conclusion, and since his picture is prominently featured in the upper-left-hand corner of this page I’ll just go ahead and say it, the winner is Mickey! Many of you were very passionate about this choice, and for me when I saw the final match up, even though it was close there for a little while, I felt that M. Mouse would be able to come out ahead.

After all, Walt himself said “It all started with a Mouse.” He is the iconic figure that most of associate with the company. It’s his ears that we wear in the parks. It’s his voice that was Walt’s voice. Without Mickey Mouse, there is no Disney. He is central to the company, the dream, and the future of the Disney name.

I haven’t written a regular blog in a while, but this is usually the point where I make some kind of spiritual analogy. I’m a little rusty, and my first impulse is to say something like “Jesus should be central to your life” which is true but really kind of lame. Then my next reaction is to say “as excited as we got about this little game, how much more so should we be about Christ,” which is also true and also lame.

I think for me, the spiritual lesson that I’ve learned from this experience is that I really like having fun with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I know that doesn’t sound very “spiritual” but just hear me out. Jesus calls us to love each other, and sometimes that comes in the form of back-breaking work or reaching out to someone who is difficult to love. But sometimes it just means having fun together with something of no real consequence because we can show God’s love to each other that way too. I think it’s great for God to allow us to do His will and grow together and have fun all at the same time. What a great God who’s commands for are lives aren’t about rules and regulations but about love.

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