Monday, January 9, 2012

The American Dream

The other day I was reading an article about a certain republican candidate for president written by a secular news commentator. I won’t reveal the name of the candidate, but the article talked about how this person wanted to impose on America a set of strict, Biblically based, new laws. This candidate believes that the law of land must bow to the law of the Lord.

The commentator went on to describe how terrible this would be. He talked about what a horrible world we would have to live in where babies would be allowed to live and marriage would be a sacred institution. He talked about how awful it would be to live in a country where pornography was illegal, and where something mattered beyond the bottom line. And he was completely serious. He hated the thought of a country governed by someone with Biblical standards.

Now, I’m not suggesting that electing the right president will solve all of our problems in this country or that this person would actually do the things that they said they believed in. What I am saying is that we have degraded so far as a nation that we gripe about how terrible it would be to have love and justice as the national ideals. There was a time when we did our sinning in secret, now reality television allows us to do it for a world-wide audience. This country doesn’t need a Christian president, what it needs is for the Christians in the local churches all over this land to reach out into that darkness and help lead people into the light. Then and only then will we see a change in the hearts and lives of the people, and maybe live in a country that has the blessing of God.

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