Monday, February 27, 2012

Power of Prayer

I haven’t talked much on my blog about the 60/60 Experiment that I’ve been doing over the last two months. If you’re not familiar with the concept of a 60/60, what that entails is attempting to pray once every 60 minutes of your waking day for 60 days. With this year being a leap year, that made the months of January and February a perfect opportunity for such an experience. I have participated in one of these prayer activities in the past, and I was excited to have that kind of intimacy with God again. This time, however, we upped the ante by asking all of our youth volunteers to join with us. No one has been perfect, but everyone has experienced something unique and awesome.

I noticed this year that my experience was different from what I encountered the last time. I would say that rather than grow in a moving intimacy with God, this year I’ve experienced an emotional roller coaster. As I have prayed, my feelings have been stirred by such passion over the people and hurts that God has placed on my heart that I have been moved to tears on many occasions. In addition, joyful moments of prayer in worship have brought on tears as well.

While this experience isn’t exactly what I expected, it was what God had planned. I know that all of us had our own exceptional moments in these two months, and that no one had the same set of feelings or times with God. But I do know this: it is no coincidence that our student ministry has seen its most significant numerical growth at the same time that our volunteers made their most significant commitment to pray. And we will continue to pray to see God do amazing things at our church and in the lives of our students.

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