Thursday, March 1, 2012

Waiting on God

Our little girl is turning three in only a few days, and that means that some changes are about to happen in our home. Three is just about the right age for a “big girl bed,” and we have been putting it off as long as we can. In truth, she’s ready for the upgrade, but we as her parents have not had the time to convert her crib and help her through the transition. And so what this means is that even though she’s big enough to handle being out of her crib, she is still having to sleep in one.

This little problem became kind of interesting the other night. We had put her to bed, and then as we both went into our bedroom to change into our pajamas and prepare for a night of American Idol, we heard a strange noise coming from her room. When I went in to check on her she was rubbing her forehead down the slats of her crib over and over, creating a low-pitched hum. It was like this was her way of saying “Get me out of here!”

Sometimes in life we find ourselves stuck in the same place longer than we think is necessary. I’ve been enjoying the teaching of Pete Wilson from Cross Point Church in Nashville and a series he’s been preaching there called “Waiting for God.” He makes some interesting points about that time that we spend trapped in a place in life that we don’t feel we should have to endure any longer. First, he said that just because your dream is delayed, that doesn’t mean that it is denied. Often we think God has said “no” when He really has told us to “wait.” Second, he says that we often ask God why He is doing this to us, but really that’s the wrong question. In those times where we feel like God is silent, where we are waiting on God, He is using that time to grow us to be more like Him. Those moments are the greatest catalysts of spiritual growth in our lives, and so God is doing something in us and through us but not to us. If you are in a place in your life where you are waiting for God, I encourage you to keep waiting because God has something big in store for you.

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