Monday, March 19, 2012

Hot Set

Over spring break our family went to Los Angeles, and one of the things that we got to do was pay a visit to the L.A. Zoo. We traveled with the High School Band, and on the day that they went to Universal Studios, we had our bus driver drop us off at the Zoo on her way back to the hotel (the two were about a mile apart) and then pick us up on her way to get the rest of the band. It was great because it gave us something to do that was more on a 3 year olds level, and they had some new exhibits that were really fun to see.

But I think the most interesting thing that happened that day had nothing to do with the animals. They were filming a commercial for the Zoo, and so we got to see a real set with lights and microphones and actors and cameras and everything. It really made us feel like we were in Hollywood! The shoot that we saw was happening in a walkway between the reptile house and the elephants, and so between takes they would let people pass by. As we walked through the set I had my video camera out, like a total tourist, filming them. I felt a little dorky, but I wanted to catch that moment on camera.

I’ve gotten to a point in my life where I don’t allow what other people might think of me to dictate what I’m going to do. Too often we don’t do things simply because other people might think we’re “dorky” or “weird” or “uncool.” I had a once in a lifetime opportunity to be in L.A. on a real set, and even though the film crew knew I was a tourist, I didn’t care. When you have a choice to do something don’t ask yourself what others will think, but only what God thinks, and if He’s ok with it than it doesn’t matter about anybody else.

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