Monday, March 26, 2012

Yard Work

My front yard is covered in weeds. And my back yard is even worse. They started on my neighbor’s property, and I watched as they peeked over onto mine. Then without warning came a sudden and savage attack. Now my lawn has almost no grass at all, it’s completely overrun by weeds.

What kills me is that I have to work hard to get grass to grow. I have to water my lawn, which I choose not to do because the people of this community need the water more than my grass does. I have to plant seeds in the empty patches, which I also choose not to do, but this one is because I’m lazy. My point is, having a pristine lawn is a lot of hard work, but having a lawn that has been overcome by weeds takes no work at all.

When it comes to the way we embrace the teachings of Jesus, our lives are like our lawns. If we do not work at the disciplines of following Christ, we will see nothing grow. If we ask “What Would Jesus Do?” but then make no adjustment to the way we live our own lives, we are merely hypocrites with patchy lawns. And that’s when the weeds set in. The weeds of pride and lust and greed. The weeds of arrogance and gossip and slander. These weeds require no work on our part at all, and they take over in such a way that we don’t even know what is happening until its too late.

Take the time each day to care for your own life, working hard to prevent sins weeds from taking root.

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