Thursday, March 29, 2012

Weather Report

Living here in the Texas Panhandle, the weather changes constantly. Today I’m wearing flip flops and a Hawaiian shirt, but I have a jacket handy just in case. Every day before leaving the house I make it a point to check the forecast on my computer just to see what it’s going to be like that day, because what the weather was like yesterday doesn’t really give me any indication whatsoever.

Last night I spoke about reading the Bible and how important it is in helping us to see the person that God wants us to be. And I also said that the more you read your Bible, the easier it becomes to understand. However, what I sort of said but not really, and therefore wanted to say here, was that if we don’t understand something in the Bible, we can always ask.

In the same way that I check my computer to see what the weather is going to be like, I can also check out what the Bible means when I don’t know. I can ask someone I trust like a pastor or parent. I can ask by looking in a book that someone has written about that part of the Bible like a commentary. And I can ask God. One of the best ways to understand the Bible is to ask God to help you. Before you read it, ask God to show you what He means by the words written there so that you don’t just read it, but begin to understand it and let it shape your life.

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