Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lost and Found

Over the last four days I have lost and found my iPod three times. It’s a little green shuffle, and quite honestly I’m shocked that I haven’t lost it until now.

On Sunday I dropped it as I was getting into my car, and it got trapped on a little area between the bottom of the car and the sideboard. It took me a little while to find it, and since I park in the street I was certain that another car was going to come by and crush it. Then yesterday I had to change pants in the middle of the day and left it in the pocket of the previous pants. Then today I went looking for it and couldn’t find it. I checked the basket where I keep all my stuff. I checked my car. I checked my office.


Then I checked the pocket of the pants I had changed into the day before, and there it was.

When we find something that matters to us that we had lost, there is this sense of relief, and sometimes joy. Jesus describes a similar situation. Through numerous stories that He tells, we see Him paint a picture of God rejoicing that very same way when someone puts their trust in Christ. We were lost, and now we are found. God is more than just relieved, He is overjoyed. If you are in a place in your life where you are considering the claims of Christ, my prayer for you is that you see how much God loves you and how He can’t wait for you to accept the forgiveness that He has offered through Christ so that you can be found.

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