Monday, April 16, 2012

Don't Just Fly, Soar

I hit a bird with my car yesterday. You don’t hear too many stories about people hitting birds with their cars; deer yes, stop signs yes, birds no. It flew right out in front of me, a little sparrow trying to make it across the street. I was rooting for it, I even slowed down to let it pass, but it just didn’t have enough forward momentum. Nope, instead of flying free its little birdie bones were crushed against my fender.

After I hit it, I remember thinking “You can fly bird! You don’t need to be anywhere near my fender. You could have gone up and over my car if you had wanted to, there was no reason for you to put yourself in danger like that, you foolish, foolish little bird.”

But we do the same thing in life all the time. God has forgiven us of all our sins and given us the chance to soar, but instead we stay low, quickly fluttering between moving cars and hoping not to get hit. We put ourselves in situations that make calamity easy, and instead of soaring over the temptations of this life we try to get as close as we can and hope for the best. Today, as this world barrels toward you like a beat-up maroon SUV, don’t just fly in front of it, through the life that God has given you soar over it.

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