Thursday, April 19, 2012

California on my Mind

The other day I saw something on TV about living in Los Angeles, and it reminded me of our recent visit to the City of Angels. This inspired me to download a song about California and add it to the “I Love L.A.” playlist that I made recently (yes, I am a dork). This, in turn, inspired me to load up my iPod shuffle with that playlist and drive around town rocking out to a whole bunch of songs about Cali.

What I noticed as I filled my mind with TV and music about Los Angeles was that I started to desperately want to go back there. I began to really obsess over it. California was all I could think about. And that is because as I poured ideas about California into my mind, they filled it up and started to take over.

I hear people say all the time that the stuff they expose themselves to in the media doesn’t affect them. We all like to think that we are better than that. I thought so too, until several years ago I realized that those things did affect me. I tend to notice this phenomenon when it comes to harmless obsessions such as this one, but it is a reminder that no one is powerful enough to resist the never-ending pull of the media. We all must watch what we put into our minds because it always comes out of our lives.

Also, my iPod is now full of songs about Jesus.

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