Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Frustration Index

I heard some people on the news the other day talking about the nations "frustration index." This was in reference to the difficulties in our economy and the 52% disapproval rating of president Obama. They were rating the nation's frustration, which I think is an interesting thing.

I myself have experienced some frustration, lately. My computer has only been working properly for about a day in the last two weeks. You may have seen my ranting on twitter. When I had to take it into the shop for a second time, it was the same day I had heard about the frustration index on the news, and I noted that my frustration index was getting pretty high. It's difficult to do my job without my computer, having to steal away or work through lunch in order to get things done.

But then I realized that frustration and stress are really just another way to say that I don't trust God. If I really believed that He was omnipotent and had my best interested in mind, I wouldn't get frustrated with the inconvenience of having a messed up computer. I would just remember how good He really is.

So that means the facebook status updates and tweets about computer frustrations will need to end. As will the blog entries.

Oh, I guess that means we're done here, then, doesn't it?

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